Massage Therapy | Sports Massage | Acupuncture | Acupuncture + Massage Combo | Cupping


  • Sports Massage

  • Advanced Stretching Techniques

  • Deep Tissue Therapy

  • Pain and Injury Relief

  • Cupping

Bio: After attending the University of Minnesota, where he laid a strong foundation in his pursuit of health sciences, Andy completed his formal training at the Minneapolis School of Massage and Bodywork. He then earned his Master's degree in Acupuncture from Northwestern Health Sciences University. As a Licensed Massage Therapist and Board-Certified Acupuncturist in St. Louis Park, MN, Andy is distinguished by his focus on serving elite clientele with performance-driven outcomes.

Renowned for his deep muscle work and sports massage, Andy excels in alleviating tension, reducing pain, and accelerating recovery. His exceptional skill and professionalism have opened doors to prestigious opportunities, including working with the Cirque du Soleil tour for the past 14 years and the US Open in Flushing, NY, to highlight a couple. These experiences, along with building unique organizational partnerships such as Target, Optum & United Health Group, and Park Nicollet underscore his ability to meet the demanding standards of high-performance individuals.

Leading Function, Andy is the driving force behind its vision to provide the highest quality, outcome-focused bodywork. His leadership ensures that Function remains at the forefront of exceptional care and transformative results. Currently, Andy's focus extends beyond hands-on practice to steering the practice towards new heights, making Function a beacon of excellence in the field.




