
Cupping Therapy: Enhancing Health through Ancient Technique

A Modern Take on Traditional Healing

At Function MN, located in St. Louis Park, we offer cupping therapy, a traditional method reimagined for modern wellness needs. This therapy complements our suite of services, such as massage therapy and acupuncture, to provide a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Benefits Tailored to You

Cupping is versatile and beneficial for various conditions, including pain relief, inflammation reduction, and improving blood flow. It's an integral part of our commitment to offering diverse, effective treatments that cater to your specific health goals.

Integrative Wellness Services

  • Complementary with Other Therapies: Cupping works well alongside our massage therapy and acupuncture for a comprehensive wellness plan.

  • Focused on Holistic Health: Beyond immediate relief, cupping aims to enhance overall well-being and complements our holistic health philosophy.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Each session is tailored to your individual needs, forming an essential part of your health journey at Function MN.


Benefits of Cupping:

  1. Cupping helps to reduce pain and inflammation.[17]

  2. Cupping helps to increase the blood flow to sore areas in muscles and joints.[26]

  3. Used for relaxation, well-being, and deep tissue massage.

  4. Facilitates a healing process and strengthens the immune system via improved blood circulation and improved functioning of RBC and WBC.

  5. Relaxing effect can help to reduce muscular restrictions, scars and adhesions, to decrease swelling, increase range of motion.[27]

  6. Improved metabolism in skin tissue, better functioning of sebaceous and sweat glands, improved healing and improved skin resistance.[19]

  7. Stimulates sensory nerves of skin and improves Autonomic Nervous System.

Explore Our Range of Holistic Services

Function MN is dedicated to providing a complete wellness experience. Cupping therapy is just one aspect of our holistic approach, which includes massage therapy, acupuncture, and combo therapy, all designed to support your journey to optimal health.

Client Experience

“Megan Gunvalson: The cupping here is the best in the metro area!”

Experience the unique benefits of cupping therapy. Book your session at Function MN today.

Cupping Providers:

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