Acupuncture + Massage Combo

Why choose between massage and acupuncture? We offer a unique combination of skilled massage coupled with effective acupuncture treatment options. Massage can provide an immediate impact on well-being while acupuncture has a subtle yet more profound ability to deeply heal you from the inside out. This combination of healing from the outside in AND from the inside out can provide very speedy results.

A 60-minute acupuncture + massage session will be more focused on acupuncture. Massage will be used as an adjunct to relax and treat the musculoskeletal system and provide relief to a smaller area if you have pain.

A 90-minute acupuncture + massage will balance out the acupuncture with a longer and more comprehensive massage approach. This additional time can allow you to really unwind and focus on the whole body with both massage and acupuncture.

*This integrative session can only be offered by dual-trained and licensed acupuncturists and massage therapist.

